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PGM LTG005 golf set – Ladys golf club


  • Manufacturer: PGM
  • Colors: White
  • Forehand: Right
  • Dimensions: 124cm x 28.5cm x 33cm
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Product information

  • Manufacturer: PGMT Product name: Women’s golf club set – PGM VS Lady’s Golf Clubs – LTG005;
  • Manufacturer: PGM;
  • Colors: White;
  • Forehand: Right;
  • Complete set: 13 sticks including 1 Driver, 2 Wood, 1 Hybrid, 8 Iron, 1 Putter; 13 bags of clubhead; 1 leather case;
  • Dimensions: 124cm x 28.5cm x 33cm
Sticks name
Driver 3#5# Wood Hybrid Iron Putter
Stick head Titan Aluminum Aluminum Zinc Zinc
Stick body Graphite resin Graphite resin Graphite resin Graphite resin Steel
Holder Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber

Golf course and scoring method

A standard golf course consists of 18 holes with 3 types of holes: standard 3 strokes, standard 4 strokes and standard 5 strokes. Each hole will have different types of terrain, but the division is the main types:
Tee: The tee-off, flat.
Fairway: The best point on the ball to the hole, short and smooth grass.
Rough: The grass around is shady and longer than the fairaway.
Med rough: The grass here is very dense, tangled, longer and harder than rough.
Weed rough: The grass is very dense, long and hard.
Unplayable: here you cannot hit the ball and you are penalized a stroke.
OB vt Out OF Bound: The ball is out of the court and you are penalized 2 strokes.
Standard strokes are the number of strokes prescribed for a hole in which you must place the ball. Example: If a hole has a standard 4-stroke, then you must find a way to put the ball into the hole within 4 strokes.
If you do this, you will reach the standard par (Par). If less than 1 stroke, you only need 3 strokes to put the ball into the hole, you get a Birdie score of -1, if under 2 strokes, you get an Eagle, a score of -2. Conversely, if you have to take 5 strokes to put the ball in the hole, ie on 1 stroke, you get Bogey, the score is + 1.
The number of strokes in the holes will be added up, after having played 18 (or 36 holes) the person with the lowest score is the winner.


Translated by: Google translate


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