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“Tranh hung mua Covid” Tournament: Hoang Mai vs AOF Club

On August 12, at SkyLank golf course, the “Tranh hung mua Covid” tournament was organized between the two clubs of Academy of Finance (AOF) and Hoang Mai. Golden golf is pleased to summarize news about the event from Golf Edit so that golfers can update.

The format of this tournament is Single Match, a format that many clubs like. Golfers who achieve HIO in any Par3 hole can receive 50 million dong and 20 grams of Cordyceps sinensis. This money is sponsored by Vinh Quang Group.

Backdrop of “Tranh hung mua Covid” tournament

The tournament concluded 14 pairs of matches and divided equally into 5 groups A, B, C, D, E. Group A, B, C, F each group had 2 pairs while D, E were 3 pairs. After dramatic matches, the final victory belonged to Hoang Mai Club with score of 7.5. AOF played closely with a difference in 1 point at the end. In the tournament, Hoang Mai Club won 6 matches and drew 3. In Group C and E, Hoang Mai excellently won 5 absolute matches.

Result-of-Tranh-hung-mua-Covid- tournament
Result of “Tranh hung mua Covid” tournament

The closing event has left many impressions from both clubs. In competition, golfers always play fair and hard. At the end of the match, they are still close friends. This exchange match is considered as a training for the Hanoi Club Championship in October.

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