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WAGR Ranking includes young golfer Nguyen Dang Minh at the first time

After winning the Vietnam Amateur Open (VAO 2020), 15-year-old golfer Nguyen Dang Minh has his name on the WAGR rankings. Golden golf would like to update more information about this event.

At the National Amateur Golf Tournament 2020, Nguyen Dang Minh finished 4 rounds with +4 points. This is the second best achievement in the country, after +1 point of Tran Le Duy Nhat in 2008.

Nguyen Dang Minh competed in VAO 2020

Ảnh: Duy Dương/GolfNews

To know more about the results of the VAO 2020 tournament, golfers can see it here.

With impressive results, Dang Minh has listed his name in the World Amateur Golf Ranking (WAGR). In this ranking, young golfer ranked 6,098.

In addition, with the 2nd place at the VJO 2020, Dang Minh’s position will change when WAGR updates the results. This is a worthy result for the non-stop effort of the golfer from Hanoi. Standing at the top at VJO 2020, certainly the position of Tran Lam will change. His current position on WAGR is 5249.

Hanako Kawasaki is also listed in WAGR ranking

About women’s golf, winning 2020 VLAO championship helped Hanako Kawasaki increase her position on the WAGR rankings. Her position is now 665, previously she was at 619 in the world.

Position of Vietnam golfers on WAGR ranking
No. Golfer Rank Average point
1 Hanako Kawasaki 665 703.0302
2 Nguyễn Thảo My 709 690.0316
3 Trương Chí Quân 2538 500.4181
4 Đặng Quang Anh 2813 471.1122
5 Đoàn Xuân Khuê Minh 2870 157.1428
6 Nguyễn Hùng Dũng 4192 294.3900
7 Nguyễn Nhất Long 4747 225.9475
8 Trần Lam 5249 170.8925
9 Nguyễn Bảo Long 6036 100.0700
10 Nguyễn Đặng Minh 6098 97.5875


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